
  • 期刊列表
  • 舞蹈、运动与灵性

    时间:2021-01-09 20:22:11 来源:管理员


    Dance, Movement & Spiritualities

    Dance, Movement and Spiritualities explores the relationship between spirituality, dance and movement. This peer-reviewed journal disseminates the idea and findings of practitioners and researchers who are actively and creatively working with spirituality. The journal offers a diverse platform for scholars working within and across the fields of dance studies, theology or religious studies, anthropology, ethnography, sociology, health studies, dance movement psychotherapy, and dance histories. Dedicated to cross-dialogue and the potential inventive perspectives interdisciplinary collaboration generates, the journal aims to progress the academic study of spirituality in dance studies.




    2.Image, imagination and the social imaginary: Solo improvisational dances of North Africa and the Middle East

    3.Talking to tremors: Somatics in dance, dialogics and silence

    4.Shamanic striptease

    5.Be still and know: Authentic Movement, witness and embodied testimony

    6.From expressions to ecstasy: Understanding the phenomenon of experiential interaction between the performer and audience in dance

    7.Let the bird fly: Somatic practice and Sufi hadra performance, the embodied experience

    8.‘No mind’: A Zen Buddhist perspective on embodied consciousness