
  • 期刊列表
  • 戏剧疗法评论

    时间:2021-01-09 20:59:07 来源:管理员


    Drama Therapy Review

    Drama Therapy Review is published in partnership with the North American Drama Therapy Association. Drama Therapy Review (DTR) documents and disseminates research on the relationship between drama, theatre and wellness. The aim of this journal is to encourage scholarship about drama therapy theory and practice, facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue and provide a forum for lively debate in the field. DTR profiles and critically reflects upon current and emerging practices involving the therapeutic uses of improvisation, playwriting, directing and performance in health, educational, community, organizational and theatre contexts. The primary audience consists of practitioners, educators and scholars of drama therapy, health practitioners and policy makers, theatre makers, applied theatre and allied arts practitioners, and cultural workers interested in the health benefits and risks associated with drama and performance. Contributors include eminent theorists, educators and practitioners in the field but the journal also features innovative work from lesser-known authors.  



    1.Towards a drama therapy of relationships

    2.Therapeutic theatre as family therapy: Integrating drama therapy and experiential family therapy

    3.Transforming families using performance: Witnessing performed lived experience

    4.Performing status manoeuvres in conducting couples therapy

    5.Improvisation and meditation as interactional (relational) approaches: Theory and practice for drama therapy for couples

    6.How we use action explorations to improve and enhance our relationship

    7.Participatory family theatre: A historical review of Theatre Workshop Boston’s creative, transformational, healing theatre for young audiences and families

    8.This way to the playground: A drama therapeutic treatment protocol for the parentified child who has witnessed domestic violence

    9.Reflections on marriage and family therapy training for drama therapy students at the California Institute of Integral Studies

    10.Reorientation from grief: An interview with Vincent Dopulos
