
  • 期刊列表
  • 非洲媒体研究杂志

    时间:2021-01-11 11:22:17 来源:管理员


    Journal of African Media Studies

    In the current academic climate there is an ongoing repositioning of media and cultural studies outside the Anglo-American axis. The peer-reviewed Journal of African Media Studies contributes to this repositioning by providing a forum for debate on the historical and contemporary aspects of media and communication in Africa. The Journal of African Media Studies (JAMS) is an interdisciplinary journal that provides a forum for debate on the historical and contemporary aspects of media and communication in Africa. All articles are double-blind peer-reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholastic integrity.  



    1.New media and processes of social change in contemporary Africa

    2.Advocating causal analyses of media and social change by way of social mechanisms

    3.New media use among young Batswana – on concerns, consequences and the educational factor

    4.New media coming to Kapkoi

    5.Quotidian use of new media and sociocultural change in contemporary Kenya

    6.Navigating precarious visibility: Ugandan sexual minorities on Twitter

    7.Pan-Africanism as a laughing matter: (Funny) expressions of African identity on Twitter