
  • 期刊列表
  • 流行音乐教育杂志

    时间:2021-01-12 09:26:21 来源:管理员


    Journal of Popular Music Education

    This peer-reviewed journal aims to include all forms of scholarship relevant to popular music education and iteratively to shape the parameters of this emerging field. The editors welcome contributions that stretch, discuss and problematize any aspect of popular music education.


    One of the main aims of this journal, especially initially, is iteratively to define the parameters of the field and disciplines of its readership and contributors (especially with regard to other journals in popular music, and music education), this being an emerging field of scholarship and practice. The other principal aim is to disseminate excellent critique and other forms of scholarship (e.g. phenomenological) in and related to the field. The journal aims to have an inclusive, global reach. Education and popular music are terms that we are glad to see stretched and problematized through rigorous examination from multiple international perspectives.



    1.Welcome to the journal

    2.The longer revolution: The rise of vernacular musics as new channels of general learning

    3.The power of popular music in China,s music education: From the Chinese dream and personal dreams to Confucianism

    4.(Un)popular music and young audiences: Exploring the classical chamber music concert from the perspective of young adult listeners

    5.Facilitation in popular music education

    6.Through the looking glass: A study of the role of reflection in the musical development of popular music undergraduates at the University of Liverpool

    7.The place of practice in tertiary popular music studies: An epistemology

    8.Book Reviews