
  • 期刊列表
  • 创作实践写作杂志

    时间:2021-01-12 11:12:06 来源:管理员


    Journal of Writing in Creative Practice

    The Journal of Writing in Creative Practice is the official organ of the Writing Purposefully in Art and Design (Writing PAD) network. It offers art and design institutions an arena in which to explore and develop the notion of thinking through writing as a parallel to visual discourse in art and design practice. The double-blind peer-reviewed journal aims to extend the debates to all national and international higher educational art and design institutions.

    《创作实践写作杂志》是艺术中有目的性的写作(Writing Purposefully in Art )和设计网络(Design Writing PAD)的官方机构。它为艺术和设计机构提供了一个通过写作来思考,探索和发展的舞台,包括在艺术和设计实践中的视觉话语。这本双盲同行评审杂志的目的是使创造实践扩展到所有国家和国际高等教育的艺术和设计机构。


    1.The Chicken editorial: Which comes first(?)

    2.Embodying regenring: Analysing the Genre Furoshiki using English’s theoretical framework

    3.How for the hands: An exploratory narrative for the actor discovering Active Analysis

    4.‘It’s not what we teach but how we teach it’: Regenring the complex concepts of business for the creative student

    5.Somewhere in between: Blogging as an intermediate and accessible space

    6.‘Yay! Not another academic essay!’ Blogging as an alternative academic genre

    7.Hollowed-out genring as a way of purposefully embracing troublesome knowledge: Orientation and de-orientation in the learning and teaching of fine art

    8.How can I make this work? Genre affordances, agency and identity in a doctoral research journey

    9.Genre and regenring for educating managers in reflective practice