
  • 期刊列表
  • 加泰罗尼亚传播文化研究期刊

    时间:2021-01-09 14:44:21 来源:管理员


    Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies

    The Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies (CJCS) aims to provide an international discussion forum for critical thought and study. CJCS is committed to publishing research and scholarship on the analysis of media and culture. The journal pays attention to original research, particularly but not exclusively, related to the Catalan cultural and media systems. CJCS,s approach is multidisciplinary, publishing articles dealing directly or through a comparative frame with media and communication history, media and cultural policies, audience and reception studies, cultural and national identity, media discourses, intercultural communication, sport and media, language and media language uses, new media and the Internet, gender studies, cinema, popular culture, media and cultural industries, public relations, advertising, tourism and cultural heritage.


    CJCS publishes two issues per year containing peer reviewed articles, research notes and commentary, contemporary events, trends and debates, interviews, key documents and book reviews. Its overall aim is to disseminate research that will inform and stimulate scholarly interest in the above-mentioned fields.



    1.Kurdish broadcasting via state TV in Turkey – Cultural diversity or government’s propaganda machine: The case of TRT 6

    2.Colombian portrayals of the Iraq war: The views of the national newspaper El Tiempo

    3.Journalism in the age of hybridization: Los vagabundos de la chatarra – comics journalism, data, maps and advocacy

    4.Journalism as a field of discursive production – performativity, form and style

    5.Nationality and gender stereotypes in the San Fermín festival: Cross-sectional age differences in the interpretation of TV news

    6.Breaking stereotypes online: Young activists’ use of the Internet for social well-being

    7.Culture as soft power: Digital branding by Catalonia, the Basque Country and Scotland

    8.The emergence of the showrunner in global contemporary TV fiction: The case of Pau Freixas in Catalonia

    9.Features of the microblog and its role in the formation of a green public sphere in China: The case of 2015 Tianjin Explosions

    10.Book Reviews