
  • 期刊列表
  • 国际时尚研究期刊

    时间:2021-01-10 20:06:32 来源:管理员


    International Journal of Fashion Studies

    A journal founded by Emanuela Mora, Agnès Rocamora and Paolo Volonté. The International Journal of Fashion Studies is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that fosters the worldwide diffusion of fashion studies. Published bi-annually, the journal invites articles on all aspects of fashion as a social, cultural, historical and aesthetic phenomenon. Although the journal is open to contributions submitted in English, its principal aim is to be a platform for fashion studies developed by non-English speakers.

    一本由Emanuela Mora, Agnes Rocamora和Paolo Volonte创立的期刊。《国际时尚研究期刊》是一份跨学科、同行评议的期刊,促进了时尚研究的全球扩散。杂志每两年出版一次,主要收录关于时尚,社会、文化、历史和美学现象等各个方面的文章。尽管该期刊对英语投稿开放,但其主要目标是成为一个由非英语人士开发的时尚研究平台。


    1.In this issue

    2.Towards a nomadic canon?

    3.How to do humans with fashion: Towards a posthuman critique of fashion

    4.New materialism: A theoretical framework for fashion in the age of technological innovation

    5.Entanglement, affect and experience: Walking and wearing (shoes) as experimental research methodology

    6.The idea of fashion: Fashion discourses in France – towards a critical historiography

    7.The centre of the periphery in fashion studies: First questions

    8.Beyond the in-between: Rei Kawakubo at The Met and the clash between eastern and western concepts in fashion studies

    9.Thinking fashion photographs through queer affect theory

    10.Parallel universes: Fashion studies education today

    11.Looking back and moving forward: The MLitt in Dress and Textile Histories at the University of Glasgow

    12.A decade of challenges and possibilities: Establishing fashion studies at Stockholm University

    13.Exploring the boundaries between theory and practice in Fashion Design at IUAV University of Venice: The case of U/U/U/

    14.The rise of historical and cultural perspectives in fashion studies in Japan

    15.Looking at Brazilian fashion studies: Fifty years of research and teaching