
  • 期刊列表
  • 策展研究期刊

    时间:2021-01-11 16:00:09 来源:管理员


    Journal of Curatorial Studies

    The Journal of Curatorial Studies is an international, peer-reviewed publication that explores the cultural functioning of curating and its relation to exhibitions, institutions, audiences, aesthetics and display culture. As a critical and responsive forum for debate in the emerging field of curatorial studies, the journal fosters scholarship in the theory, practice and history of curating, as well as that of exhibitions and display culture in general.



    1.Curating the Sea

    2.Ecological Exhibitions at the Musée Océanographique de Monaco

    3.Cultivating ‘Response-ability’: Curating Coral in Recent Exhibitions

    4.Hope in the Archive: Indexing the Natural History Museum’s Ecologies of Display

    5.From the Shore to the Coast: Curating the Front Line of Climate Change

    6.Tidalectic Curating

    7.Sky Hopinka, Around the Edge of Encircling Lake

    8.Lahore Biennale 02: Between the Sun and the MOON

    9.Poems for Impending Doom

    10.Of(f) Our Times: Curatorial Anachronics, Rike Frank and Beatrice von Bismarck (eds)

    11.Video/Art: The First Fifty Years, Barbara London