
  • 期刊列表
  • 无处不在:普及媒体杂志

    时间:2021-01-13 10:07:18 来源:管理员


    Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media

    Ubiquity is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal for creative and transdisciplinary practitioners interested in technologies, practices and behaviours that have the potential to radically transform human perspectives on the world. Ubiquity, the ability to be everywhere at the same time, a potential historically attributed to the occult is now a common feature of the average mobile phone. The title refers explicitly to the advent of ubiquitous computing that has been hastened through the consumption of networked digital devices. The journal anticipates the consequences for design and research in a culture where everyone and everything is connected, and will offer a context for visual artists, designers, scientists and writers to consider how Ubiquity is transforming our relationship with the world.



    1.Ubiquity: A paranoid manifesto

    2.Long live the thing! Temporal ubiquity in a smart vintage wardrobe

    3.Force/Magnitude workshop

    4.Extending the theatre experience: The potential for wearable and onstage cameras

    5.The consequences of various world plans …

    6.Designing stories for humans and nonhumans: Interview with Anne Galloway

    7.Phylogeny introduction

    8.Phylogeny: The science and underlying data

    9.Phylogeny – a vehicle for a discursive exploration

    10.Phylogeny: Kitset
